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The Cichlidae family contains over 1,200 species of fish, the majority of which are found in the Tanganyika and Malawi Lakes of central Africa. Cichlids are the most vibrant and colorful freshwater fish, they are also relativity easy to keep.

African Cichlids

The Cichlidae family contains over 1,200 species of fish, the majority of which are found in the Tanganyika and Malawi Lakes of central Africa. Cichlids are the most vibrant and colorful freshwater fish, they are also relativity easy to keep.

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  • Family: Cichlidae 

  • Care Level: Easy

  • Adult size: 4 inches 

  • Lifespan: 6 years 

  • Minimum tank size: 55 gallon 

  • pH: 7.5 - 8.5 

  • Hardness: 10 - 20 dGH 

  • Temperature: 74 to 82 F

  • Tankmates: Angel Fish, Barbs, Cory Cats


The Cichlidae family contains over 1,200 species of fish, the majority of which are found in the Tanganyika and Malawi Lakes of central Africa. Cichlids are the most vibrant and colorful freshwater fish, they are also relativity easy to keep.

Albino Cichlid

The Cichlidae family contains over 1,200 species of fish, the majority of which are found in the Tanganyika and Malawi Lakes of central Africa. Cichlids are the most vibrant and colorful freshwater fish, they are also relativity easy to keep.

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  • Scientific name: Pseudotropheus socolofi (Albino) 

  • Care Level: Easy

  • Adult size: 6 inches 

  • Lifespan: 5 years 

  • Minimum tank size: 30 gallon 

  • pH: 7.5 - 8.5 

  • Hardness: 10 - 20 dGH 

  • Temperature: 74 to 82 F

  • Tankmates: Angel Fish, Barbs, Cory Cats


The Cichlidae family contains over 1,200 species of fish, the majority of which are found in the Tanganyika and Malawi Lakes of central Africa. Cichlids are the most vibrant and colorful freshwater fish, they are also relativity easy to keep.

Blue Ram

The Cichlidae family contains over 1,200 species of fish, the majority of which are found in the Tanganyika and Malawi Lakes of central Africa. Cichlids are the most vibrant and colorful freshwater fish, they are also relativity easy to keep.

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  • Scientific name: Mikrogeophagus ramirezi

  • Care Level: Easy - Moderate

  • Adult size: 3 inches 

  • Lifespan: 5 years 

  • Minimum tank size: 30 gallon 

  • pH: 7.5 - 8.5 

  • Hardness: 10 - 20 dGH 

  • Temperature: 74 to 82 F

  • Tankmates: Angel Fish, Barbs, Cory Cats


This Cichlid is one of the most unusual-looking yet attractive fish. These fish are manmade and are considered to be the hybrid of Convict and parrot cichlids. They have the main characteristic features of a Parrot Cichlids and the Convict cichlids. The hybrid parrot cichlids are truly amazing fish to watch in your aquarium. These fish have a lot of personality and one of the cutest fish in the fish keeping hobby.

Blue Tiger Parrotfish

This Cichlid is one of the most unusual-looking yet attractive fish. These fish are manmade and are considered to be the hybrid of Convict and parrot cichlids. They have the main characteristic features of a Parrot Cichlids and the Convict cichlids. The hybrid parrot cichlids are truly amazing fish to watch in your aquarium. These fish have a lot of personality and one of the cutest fish in the fish keeping hobby.

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  • Scientific name: Archocentrus nigrofasciatus X A. citrinellus

  • Care Level: Moderate - Hard

  • Adult size: 8 inches 

  • Lifespan: 8 -10 years 

  • Minimum tank size: 55 gallon 

  • pH: 6.0 - 8.0 

  • Hardness: 2 - 25 dGH 

  • Temperature: 70 to 78 F

  • Tankmates: Single species tank


The Electric Blue Ram is a small, peaceful fish ideal for most community aquariums. With their uniform vivid blue coloration, they make an impressive display fish in a planted aquarium and will get along well with most tankmates. They can be sensitive to fluctuating water quality and will do best in slightly soft water with frequent partial water changes. Like most cichlids they may fight among themselves for territory so a medium sized aquarium with plenty of cover and shelter is best to keep a group.

Electric Blue Ram

The Electric Blue Ram is a small, peaceful fish ideal for most community aquariums. With their uniform vivid blue coloration, they make an impressive display fish in a planted aquarium and will get along well with most tankmates. They can be sensitive to fluctuating water quality and will do best in slightly soft water with frequent partial water changes. Like most cichlids they may fight among themselves for territory so a medium sized aquarium with plenty of cover and shelter is best to keep a group.

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  • Scientific name: Mikrogeophagus ramirezi

  • Care Level: Easy - Moderate

  • Adult size: 2 inches 

  • Lifespan: 8 -10 years 

  • Minimum tank size: 20 gallon 

  • pH: 6.5 - 7.8 

  • Hardness: 5 - 12 dGH 

  • Temperature: 76 to 82 F

  • Tankmates: African Mbuna cichlids


Many cichlid enthusiasts consider the Threadfin Geophagus as the crown jewel of the Cichlidae family. Though territorial like other cichlids, the Threadfin Geophagus is relatively peaceful in larger aquariums with plenty of hiding locations. As this beautiful fish matures it develops elongated spines on the dorsal fin that have a thread-like appearance. Combined with its beautiful silver body with shades of green and blue, the Threadfin Geophagus is an elegant addition to community cichlid aquariums.

Geo Heckeli

Many cichlid enthusiasts consider the Threadfin Geophagus as the crown jewel of the Cichlidae family. Though territorial like other cichlids, the Threadfin Geophagus is relatively peaceful in larger aquariums with plenty of hiding locations. As this beautiful fish matures it develops elongated spines on the dorsal fin that have a thread-like appearance. Combined with its beautiful silver body with shades of green and blue, the Threadfin Geophagus is an elegant addition to community cichlid aquariums.

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  • Scientific name: Acarichthys heckelii

  • Care Level: Moderate - Hard

  • Adult size: 8 inches 

  • Lifespan: 6 years 

  • Minimum tank size: 40 gallon 

  • pH: 5.5 - 7.2 

  • Hardness: 2 - 25 dGH 

  • Temperature: 73°F to 79°F

  • Tankmates: Species only tank other Haps species only


The gold ram is a colorful, South American dwarf cichlid. The gold ram will reach a length of three inches and live up to five years in captivity. As an individual, the gold ram may only require an aquarium of twenty gallons. As a pair, the gold ram should be kept in twenty-nine gallons or more.

Gold Ram

The gold ram is a colorful, South American dwarf cichlid. The gold ram will reach a length of three inches and live up to five years in captivity. As an individual, the gold ram may only require an aquarium of twenty gallons. As a pair, the gold ram should be kept in twenty-nine gallons or more.

in stock

  • Scientific name: Mikrogeophagus ramirezi

  • Care Level: Moderate - Hard

  • Adult size: 2 - 5 inches 

  • Lifespan: 8 -10 years 

  • Minimum tank size: 55 gallon 

  • pH: 6.5 - 7.5 

  • Hardness: 2 - 25 dGH 

  • Temperature: 72 to 79 F

  • Tankmates: Danios, cardinal tetra, black neon tetra, harlequin rasbora


The Cichlidae family contains over 1,200 species of fish, the majority of which are found in the Tanganyika and Malawi Lakes of central Africa. Cichlids are the most vibrant and colorful freshwater fish, they are also relativity easy to keep.

Longfin Cichlid

The Cichlidae family contains over 1,200 species of fish, the majority of which are found in the Tanganyika and Malawi Lakes of central Africa. Cichlids are the most vibrant and colorful freshwater fish, they are also relativity easy to keep.

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Haplochromis or "Haps" as they are commonly referred to, is the largest genera of Cichlids, with many species residing in Lake Malawi. Similar to Peacocks, they display wonderful color and are sexually dimorphic--males display color while females do not.

Red Hap African

Haplochromis or "Haps" as they are commonly referred to, is the largest genera of Cichlids, with many species residing in Lake Malawi. Similar to Peacocks, they display wonderful color and are sexually dimorphic--males display color while females do not.

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  • Scientific name: Haplochromis

  • Care Level: Moderate - Hard

  • Adult size: 5 -6 inches 

  • Lifespan: 8 -10 years 

  • Minimum tank size: 75 gallon 

  • pH: 6.0 - 8.0 

  • Hardness: 2 - 25 dGH 

  • Temperature: 76°F to 80°F

  • Tankmates: Species only tank other Haps species only


The red top hongi is an African member of the Cichlidae family from Lake Malawi. Once mature, the very colorful adult can reach a length of up to six inches. Being a member of the scientific genus Labidochromis, this cichlid will exhibit vast amounts of color, especially during spawning.

Red Top Hongi

The red top hongi is an African member of the Cichlidae family from Lake Malawi. Once mature, the very colorful adult can reach a length of up to six inches. Being a member of the scientific genus Labidochromis, this cichlid will exhibit vast amounts of color, especially during spawning.

in stock

  • Scientific name: Labidochromis sp.

  • Care Level: Easy - Moderate

  • Adult size: 6 inches 

  • Lifespan: 8 -10 years 

  • Minimum tank size: 20 gallon 

  • pH: 7.5 - 8.4 

  • Hardness: 2 - 25 dGH 

  • Temperature: 74 to 82 F

  • Tankmates: African Mbuna cichlids


Tiger Oscar Cichlids need a large tank to be healthy and happy. You should provide them a large home from the beginning. It is not recommended to keep a single Oscar in a tank smaller than 55-75 gallons. Keeping them in a smaller tank may stunt their growth, cause deformities, and shorten their lifespan.

Tiger Oscar

Tiger Oscar Cichlids need a large tank to be healthy and happy. You should provide them a large home from the beginning. It is not recommended to keep a single Oscar in a tank smaller than 55-75 gallons. Keeping them in a smaller tank may stunt their growth, cause deformities, and shorten their lifespan.

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  • Scientific name: Astronotus ocellatus

  • Care Level: Moderate - Hard

  • Adult size: 10-14 inches 

  • Lifespan: 10-15 years 

  • Minimum tank size: 55 gallon 

  • pH: 6.0 - 7.5 

  • Hardness: 5  dGH 

  • Temperature: 72 to 77 F

  • Tankmates: Jack Dempseys, Convict Cichlids, Silver Dollars


Yellow Parrot Cichlids are a unique-looking fish, which is one of main reasons why they’re so popular in the aquarium hobby. These fish are not found in the wild. Instead, they are a hybrid fish species that was first created in Taiwan around 1986.  The exact species used to create the Blood Parrot Cichlid are not known. However, many think that the Redhead Cichlid and Midas Cichlid are the parent species. Whatever the case may be, these fish are rather rare in the hobby.

Yellow Parrotfish

Yellow Parrot Cichlids are a unique-looking fish, which is one of main reasons why they’re so popular in the aquarium hobby. These fish are not found in the wild. Instead, they are a hybrid fish species that was first created in Taiwan around 1986. The exact species used to create the Blood Parrot Cichlid are not known. However, many think that the Redhead Cichlid and Midas Cichlid are the parent species. Whatever the case may be, these fish are rather rare in the hobby.

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  • Scientific name:

  • Care Level: Moderate - Hard

  • Adult size: 8 inches 

  • Lifespan: 8 -10 years 

  • Minimum tank size: 30 gallon 

  • pH: 6.0 - 8.0 

  • Hardness: 2 - 25 dGH 

  • Temperature: 76°F to 80°F

  • Tankmates: Bala Shark, Silver Dollar Fish, Tiger Barb


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