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Roundtail Betta

Betta fish are native to Asia, where they live in the shallow water of marshes, ponds, or slow-moving streams. Male bettas are devoted fathers who build bubble nests for their young with their mouths and fiercely protect their babies from predators. Just like us, betta fish are diurnal. That means they’re active during the day and sleep at night, requiring darkness to get a good night’s rest.

Roundtail Betta

Betta fish are native to Asia, where they live in the shallow water of marshes, ponds, or slow-moving streams. Male bettas are devoted fathers who build bubble nests for their young with their mouths and fiercely protect their babies from predators. Just like us, betta fish are diurnal. That means they’re active during the day and sleep at night, requiring darkness to get a good night’s rest.

Roundtail betta fish make a beautiful addition to any aquarium but they require a lot of space, care and attention. While they prefer to swim alone they will do well if they have adequate places to hide in a large tank that is clean and has a lot of planted corners.

Roundtails generally have a lifespan of about 2 or 3 years. Due to their relatively short lifespan, it is best to get roundtails when they are babies. Baby roundtails will eat their yolk sacs during the first few days of their life. You can then feed them mircoworms, baby brine shrimp or liquid fry food such as Infusoria. As they get older they can eat bigger foods. Adult roundtail bettas eat live brine shrimp, flakes and pellets. Pellets are recommended instead of flakes as they make the water less dirty and it is easier to tell how much food your betta fish are eating with pellets.


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